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With its popularity growing exceptionally fast, we are happy to offer the Swiss Cheese Plant, also called Monstera adansonii. This is a very easy-to-grow houseplant with exotic, eye-catching foliage. Each mature leaf displays multiple oval holes, called fenestrations. These holes are theorized to allow sun and water through to the lower leaves in tropical environments and help the leaves stand up to forceful wind. Swiss Cheese Plant is meant to climb and when given a trellis or pole, it will reward you with larger leaves as the plant grows taller. Alternatively, when not climbing, the plant reverts to a more vine-like growth, sending out thin branches that look beautiful cascading from a hanging basket or draping over tables and windowsills. This plant prefers a fast draining soil mix, bright, indirect light and plenty of humidity.

There is much confusion about Monstera adansonii and Monstera obliqua. Obliqua’s leaves are very thin and 90% of th

Cena: dohodou

Číslo inzerátu:  1134573
Vloženo:  14. 06. 2022
Změněno:  14. 06. 2022
Druh:  nabídka
Kraj:  Moravskoslezský
Okres:  Karviná
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Jméno a příjmení:  Nikbrown
Město:  Frahelž
Kraj:  Jihočeský
Okres:  Jindřichův Hradec
Telefon:  neuveden
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Obrázky k inzerátu Swiss Cheese Plant (Monstera adansonii)

Swiss Cheese Plant (Monstera adansonii) - Kontaktní formulář

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Nabídka půjčky okamžitým převodem. S námi můžete zapomenout na své finanční problémy. Naše nebankovní půjčka je spolehlivá a především ji může získat téměř každý, kdo ji opravdu potřebuje. Už nemusíte shánět nebankovní půjčku. Právě jsi to našel. Poctivá nebankovní půjčka, ke které budete potřebovat platné doklady totožnosti, příjem, kterým budete půjčku splácet a trvalé bydliště v ČR. Už v tom nehledejte. Požádejte o půjčku nyní. Více informací: mariakamakova@seznam.cz
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Dekorace 30 000,-
Staré dózy a polévková mísa
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Motýli a další hmyz v rámečku,exklu
Nabízím skutečné, opravdové motýly, brouky a jiný hmyz v rámečcích v luxusním provedení, unikátním designem a grafikou ve špičkové kvalitě. Velký výběr druhů od malých až po největší motýly světa. Rámečky je možné pověsit na zeď nebo postavit na stůl pomocí zadní podpěry. Unikátní dárek. Ceny od 695,-Kč. Pro celkový sortiment navštivte www.motyliramecky.cz nebo www.wingshape.eu
Dekorace 695,-
MINI Swiss Cheese Plant (Monstera a
Swiss Cheese Plant (Monstera adansonii) With its popularity growing exceptionally fast, we are happy to offer the Swiss Cheese Plant, also called Monstera adansonii. This is a very easy-to-grow houseplant with exotic, eye-catching foliage. Each mature leaf displays multiple oval holes, called fenestrations. These holes are theorized to allow sun and water through to the lower leaves in tropical environments and help the leaves stand up to forceful wind. Swiss Cheese Plant is meant to climb and when given a trellis or pole, it will reward you with larger leaves as the plant grows taller. Alternatively, when not climbing, the plant reverts to a more vine-like growth, sending out thin branches that look beautiful cascading from a hanging basket or draping over tables and windowsills. This plant prefers a fast draining soil mix, bright, indirect light and plenty of humidity. There is much confusion about Monstera adansonii and Monstera obliqua. Obliqua’s leaves are very thin and 90% of th
Dekorace dohodou
Swiss Cheese Plant (Monstera adanso
With its popularity growing exceptionally fast, we are happy to offer the Swiss Cheese Plant, also called Monstera adansonii. This is a very easy-to-grow houseplant with exotic, eye-catching foliage. Each mature leaf displays multiple oval holes, called fenestrations. These holes are theorized to allow sun and water through to the lower leaves in tropical environments and help the leaves stand up to forceful wind. Swiss Cheese Plant is meant to climb and when given a trellis or pole, it will reward you with larger leaves as the plant grows taller. Alternatively, when not climbing, the plant reverts to a more vine-like growth, sending out thin branches that look beautiful cascading from a hanging basket or draping over tables and windowsills. This plant prefers a fast draining soil mix, bright, indirect light and plenty of humidity. There is much confusion about Monstera adansonii and Monstera obliqua. Obliqua’s leaves are very thin and 90% of th
Dekorace dohodou

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